Huong “H2” Hoang, PA-C
Huong Hoang PA-C (no one can pronounce her name, unless you are from her homeland) was born at a very young age. ;) She hates to write bios about or post about herself on social media, but was forced into this. She wont be offended if you stop reading this, but feels like the only way to know her is in person. The only thing she really takes seriously is her intense love for her family and making sure you feel beautiful without changing the core of your beauty. She is not big into big fake anything, although she will be the first to admit that she has fake boobies. Her ultimate goal is help educate and provide treatment programs to enhance your natural beauty so you feel refreshed. As a licensed physician assistant with over 20 years of neurosurgery and aesthetics experience, she transitioned into aesthetics because she felt a strong need to provide options that were safe, age appropriate, and natural.
When not at work, she is hanging with her hot husband and the two most amazing cool kids on the planet. She loves to travel and cook. Her husband never laughs at her, but everyone else does.